Ubuntu pdftk alternative
The Best PDFtk alternatives for Document Merging, from Split PDF files to a free app. PDFtk is a simple tool for doing everyday things with PDF documents. It comes in three flavors: PDFtk Free Ubuntu - How To Install Pdftk In Ubuntu 18.04 And Later. 1 hours ago The pdftk package in Ubuntu (and its upstream Debian package) was dropped due to its dependency on the now deprecated GCJ pdftk is removed in Ubuntu 18.04 and above. Ubuntu itself suggests to install a snap, which works only in simple pdftk is no longer available on Ubuntu 18.04 due to some deprecated dependencies. It seems that pdftk is no longer included in bionic. The package still is available in Debian sid and I did not find a hint why it was removed. Is this a bug? pdftk_2.02-5_arm64.deb. Description. pdftk - transitional package for pdftk, a tool for manipulating PDF documents. Property. Value. A list below shows PDFtk alternatives which were either selected by us or voted for by users. Any web browser that supports the Java Runtime Environment, or an alternative Java interpreter, can use Is there any chance of getting pdftk working in Ubuntu 18.04? Or, does anybody know a working alternative to pdftk to generate a PDF with a watermark in shell? Which alternative have I to the pdftk through terminal? I am trying PdfShuffler I am felling like a sudo dpkg -i gcc-6-base_6.4.-8ubuntu1_amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i libgcj-common_6.4-3ubuntu1_all.deb
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